First, it seems pretty silly to blog about what you're eating for dinner. Really, it does. The internet is one of the most revolutionary tools ever invented, and yet this is what I'm using it for? Really?
Yeah, really. Brings to mind Futureman, it does.
Second, Canadians are pretty much the most subtly obnoxious tourists in existence. Note the word "subtle" - that's important. An American's obnoxiousness (sorry to any readers, future or present, from south of the border who are reading this, but it's very true) is quite in-your-face. I've seen enough American tourists bitching and moaning about getting change in a "fake currency" (never mind they're in another bloody country), complaining about how everything's so "old," or even getting offended at how nobody speaks a proper language like english. Not all Americans are like this, of course, but enough of them that the stereotype exists.
Canadians are different. (And yes, before I go on, I do realize the irony of me fulfilling the stereotype of a Canadian with an Americanb-based chip on his shoulder by defining the Canadian experience via contrast to the American one, but it's pretty much inevitable) Canadians make great hosts - we go out of our way to make visitors feel comfortable and welcome. But as tourists? We're bloody annoying! We plaster ourselves with our flag. Some of us even hang our flags on our hotel windows, for crying out loud. And when we interact with the locals, we're ever-so-polite-and-unobtrusive-and-you'd-better-bloody-well-notice-it-or-we'll-rub-it-in-your-face. It's like we're desperate for the approval of our hosts, if only they'd just say "Why yes, you're such a gracious guest, going out of your way to learn a word or two of the native language, and you're EVER SO MUCH BETTER THAN THOSE AMERICANS." Please, sir, please-oh-please give us a pat on the head while I mention five times in the same conversation my country of origin.
Sigh. It's embarrasing to watch, really.
Could be worse, though. Could be American.
(That's a joke, son.)
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