Dolphins are made of pure muscle. Well, okay, that not quite true - there`s blubber there, too. But those bastards are strong - if they shake their tail fluke the wrong way and your hand happens to be there, you`ve got a shattered hand. And they`re like torpedoes, too.
The prices at Ocean World were ridiculous, by which I mean pretty much exactly the same as Marine Land in Ontario.
Also, you'll note I didn't have any rum & coke today. This is very remarkable, given the reason I didn't have any is because no one offered me any. Why is THAT remarkable? Well, rum is dirt-cheap, and the locals drink it like folks back home drink water... Which makes sense, given that it's a lot safer than water. Drink any non-bottled water here, and you'll wish it had killed you. You're not even supposed to brush your teeth with the stuff, for fear of swallowing any accidentally.
Many of the locals drink rum straight. Most tourists don't or can't, though, so they offer it mixed with coke. But today? Nobody offered any. So I drank other stuff, instead.
Oh, and the bus driver's name was, apparently, Nelson Mandela. Also, I've been given three different populations for the city of Puerto Plata by different tour guides - 175K, 375K, and 500K. No idea who`s right.
-1 Yellow Bird
-1 Margarita
-1 Playa Dorada
-1 Santo Domungo
-1 Bombay Special
-1 Bronx
-1 Vodka Cranberry
-1 Coco Loco
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