Sunday, June 6, 2010

I love my Cintiq

My Cintiq has arrived. I'm still getting used to it, but I've already done a drawing.

It's a Devil Girl!

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Devil Girl is a minor character who appears briefly somewhere around issue 10 or 11 of the webcomic I want to make. However, I find I like drawing her, so I may change that at some point.

I screwed up the colours - they looked very different in Photoshop than they did when I exported them into a jpeg. Much brighter here. Still, it's a learning process, and overall I'm still quite pleased. Having a cintiq really makes things a lot easier.

I've got four and a half more character designs to do still before I'll be ready to start on the first webcomic story arc (which lasts about three "issues").

EDIT: I played around with the colour settings a bit, I've got it a bit better now.