Monday, August 16, 2010

How is this guy married?

If you've been reading my blog, you may remember where I talked about the verdict in the latest Gaiman v. MacFarlane case, here. If not, you may want to go read that post for context.

MacFarlane is one of the founders of Image comics. Another one of the founders is Erik Larsen, who earned his fame largely the same way MacFarlane did - being the art guy on the front-running Spiderman title. After the biggest artists in the biz left Marvel to form image, he settled into doing the Savage Dragon, a character of his own creation, and he's been doing it faithfully ever since.

Once upon a time, I rather liked Savage Dragon. A superhero who's also a cop? Without it being a secret identity? So, a super-cop? Well, sure Robocop did it first, but it was still territory that was mostly untrod at that point. The comic eventually left this original premise though before that happened I'd long since lost interest in the title. At some point, his protagonist's backstory was explained (apparently he's an intergalactic conqueror tyrant with amnesia - who knew?)

Larsen's often lauded for his energetic, out-there imagination. The sort of imagination that can think up such amazing villain concepts as Dung.

Yep. Somehow, the guy gets lauded for this sort of imagination. And I guess it is kinda impressive, if you're, I dunno, 14 years old and still think farts are really funny.


Besides his crazy imagination, Erik Larsen's also known for putting his foot in his mouth. So after the verdict was handed down regarding his friend and business partner Todd MacFarlane, Larsen just couldn't keep his big mouth shut:

"it seems patently unfair that Neil could claim ownership of "Spawn on a horse" much less that an all woman jury, charmed by his English accent and sad story would award him that.


The McFarlane/Gaiman thing still burns me up in the basic unfairness of it all. As you said, "Had the judge asked them, I'm sure the all-female jury would have been happy to give Neil the rights to Spawn, Todd's house and cars, Madonna's uniform from A League of Their Own and the Mark McGuire baseball and anything else Neil expressed an interest in" and that's not right."

Seriously, I couldn't make this shit up. Well, I could, but why would I when Erik makes sure I don't have to? He's basically blaming the verdict on them wimmins being all swoony over Gaiman's accent.

Way to be classy there, Erik.

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