Thursday, November 11, 2010

Samsung Unveils See-Through Monitor. Also, Japan is Still Weird.

That's cool, I guess.  But where's my rocket car?

Also!  A friend of mine, currently living in Japan, pointed out this video (or rather, a related one, but I like this one better) that I felt I had to share.  This is Hatsune Miku, a character mascot from a music software program called Vocaloid...  And she's giving a live concert here.  In holographic form.

S1m0ne is getting more and more prophetic every year.  Incredibly, I find myself wondering if Jem was similarly prophetic, but down that road lies madness.

And yet, I can't help but admit that this is kinda awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Joel showed me the Hologram girl awhile back. Very cool stuff. Your rocket car is coming soon. Don't worry.

    Just. You know. By the time it's figured out, vehicles will be an ineffective mode of transportation.
