Monday, April 26, 2010

Locus Landria 2.1

I think I've gotten my feet under me in terms of running this system. The hard part, of course, isn't the rules - those are actually fairly simple - but the whole attitude Nobilis requires. Thinking in such an epic manner is that easy, not right out of the gate...

Okay, scratch that. I've got an easy time with epic - most of the games I run are pretty epic, after all. It's all save the world/universe/multiverse stuff with my campaigns... It's just, I'm so used to building up to that. The big climactic battle against the evil overlord is the climax of the entire campaign. With Nobilis, the evil overlord is what Nobles eat for breakfast. They don't even break a sweat.

So, when the PCs finally made their way to the Hydra of Lerna (posing as the street gang the Sons of Tythos), I knew going into it that the monster didn't pose much of a threat. His only function was to 1) eat up some miracle points, and 2) act as the big bang of the opening act for the second story.

Also - lesser creation is king. Most PCs with a decent estate who can pull off a lesser creation as a simple miracle can get through any non-miraculous challenges without even really having to think about it too hard.


  1. I said to Debs after you left, that next game we would be seeing a whole different style of challenges.

    When asked why?

    Because Jesse wants to eat our yummy yummy Miracle Points.

  2. Sounds like it was a fun evening

    Looking at coming up around the weekend of the 23rd of May.
