Thursday, April 22, 2010

New Marvel vs. Capcom game!

During my time in Vancouver, I lived across the street from a mall. In this mall was an ill-planned comic book shop (I say ill-planned because in my entirely anecdotal experience, comic shops never last long when they have to pay mall-scale rent fees), and in this shop were two arcade games. Every Saturday I'd convert a few bucks from my paycheck into quarters and while away the hours playing on one of the machines: Marvel vs. Capcom.

I'd usually use Cammy and either Dr. Doom or Spider-Man. I was an upper-middle-tier player - good enough that a lot of other players would have to really work for it to give me a run for my money, but I'd still get creamed by the really great players. The best regular player I recall at that machine was a shy korean girl maybe 13 years old who spoke english haltingly, and preferred Ryu/Juggernaught. She was pretty much the undisputed champion of that particular machine, winning about 9 games out of ten even against the other truly great players.

Thinking about the game brings back memories. It was during the latter days of the fighting game craze, and just before arcades in general started to become a dying breed.

Anyway, it seems they're putting out a new version after a very long hiatus. You can watch the trailer here. I have to be honest, I'm not too keen on it, but I'm hopeful that the game will be a lot of fun regardless.

Confirmed characters: Ryu, Chris Redfield, Morrigan, Hulk, Wolverine, and Iron Man.
Likely characters: Chun-Li, Dante, Felicia, Captain America, Deadpool, and Super-Skrull.

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